Dear Arts & Science students, faculty and staff,
You will have received a message from the Acting Vice-President & Provost and the Vice-President, People, Strategy, Equity & Culture providing an important COVID-19 update to the University community.
Considering the situation — and given the fact that Arts & Science has approximately 157 different courses with in-person exams scheduled over the coming days — all in-person undergraduate exams in A&S originally scheduled from Thursday, December 16 to Tuesday, December 21 will not be taking place.
These final exams will not be moved online, rescheduled, or replaced with another assessment. This means that final grades for any affected undergraduate courses will be calculated from existing term work. Instructors are being asked to communicate the revised marking scheme for each affected course to students by Tuesday, December 21. Instructors will receive more detailed information about this from the Faculty.
Any courses already scheduled to have online final assessments will continue as planned.
In January, when students see their final marks in ACORN, they may elect to accept their grade, receive a grade of CR/NCR, or request a late withdrawal (LWD) from the course without academic penalty.
I know this is already a stressful and busy time for everyone and hope this update helps provide some clarity as you make your plans for a much-needed holiday break. Please continue to watch for any further updates on the UTogether and A&S UTogether websites.
Thank you and please take care.
Dean Woodin
Melanie A. Woodin
Dean, Faculty of Arts & Science
Professor, Department of Cell & Systems Biology