Discoveries that completely change what's possible in the world
Today our researchers are pushing the boundaries of artificial intelligence, astrophysics, chemistry, data science, molecular biology, materials science, neuroscience, nanoscience and so much more.
Acceleration Consortium
The self-driving labs of the Acceleration Consortium will reduce the time and cost of bringing advanced materials to market to as little as one year and $1 million, down from an average of 20 years and $100 million.
Centre for Entrepreneurship
The Centre for Entrepreneurship is home to entrepreneurship education, co-curricular programs, venture incubation and acceleration in the Faculty of Arts & Science. It drives prominent thought leadership and substantively seeds all facets of the Canadian innovation ecosystem with world-class talent.
School for Computational & Data Sciences
A bold, new forward-thinking School of Computational & Data Sciences will bring together the Department of Computer Science, Department of Mathematics and Department of Statistical Sciences, together with the Data Sciences Institute to solve the world’s most urgent challenges.
School of Cosmic Future
The School of Cosmic Future will draw on the University's strengths across natural science, philosophy, art, music and history. The school will explore the far reaches of the cosmos to better understand life here on Earth.
Schwartz Reisman Institute for Technology and Society
The Schwartz Reisman Institute for Technology and Society is deepening the world's knowledge of technologies, societies and what it means to be human and ethical by integrating research across traditional boundaries.
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Your support will open up exciting learning opportunities for tomorrow's leaders, community partners and global citizens.