From virtual advising appointments and online webinars to tips from current students, there are many resources available to support you through your online studies. Learn how to prepare for remote learning and read these guidelines on recommended technology.
Arts & Science Resources:
- Book an appointment with a learning strategist through your College Registrar's Office.
- Join a recognized study group and connect and collaborate on learning course content weekly with other students.
- Find support through these articles on online learning.
- Watch these study tips from A&S students.
- Meet to Complete program: Stay motivated and productive by setting goals and working with peers during these online drop-in sessions.
- If you require technology support, reach out to the Information Commons Help Desk.
- Use the new U of T Synchronous Space Finder to find space on campus to attend an online synchronous class. The app is available for iPad, iPhone and Android devices.
Resources through Student Life:
- Access CLNx to get personalized advice by meeting with a learning strategist or attending a themed discussion online.
- Academic Success Resources is a new Quercus course which will help you manage stress, use evidence-based study techniques, connect with supportive people and resources, and more.
- Check out various learning strategies resources include goal setting, motivation, and adapting study habits to online learning.
Resources through U of T Libraries:
- U of T Libraries staff are available online to support your research and study needs.
- Connect with Ask Chat with a Librarian to start a chat session.
- Research consultations are available by videoconference.
- Visit the online library resources, services and supports for students page to learn more about what the library has to offer.