Your experience in Arts & Science will transform you.
Your academic journey begins before you even arrive on campus. Though you will tell us what your interests are when you apply to U of T, you will also be introduced to many different disciplines, courses and experiential learning opportunities that you didn’t even know existed.
Here is a snapshot of some of the opportunities that will be available through your studies in the Faculty of Arts & Science.
First Year
As an incoming Arts & Science student, you will be admitted into one of our six admission categories. But your first year is an undeclared general year, which means you can explore your interests and take a variety of courses, even across different admission categories, before you select your program(s) of study. You might want to consider taking one of the opportunities designed just for first-year students: First-Year Foundations Ones Programs, First-Year Foundation Seminars and First-Year Learning Communities.
At the end of your first year you will select your program(s) of study. Programs come in three different levels: specialist, major and minor. The main difference among them is the number of required courses. To prepare for your program selection, in first year you will take a variety of introductory courses. It's a good idea to keep your options open because you might discover that you are interested in a program you never knew before!
Second Year
You are now in a program of study! In addition to taking courses that give you greater depth of knowledge and fulfill your degree requirements, you may want to consider a unique academic experience:
Studying Abroad
Between Academic Exchanges, Summer Abroad Programs and International Course Modules (ICMs), you can immerse yourself in global experiences while earning course credits.
Research Opportunities
Gain research experience and earn course credit while working closely with a professor on a research project as early as the summer after first year.
Arts & Science Internship Program (ASIP)
After completing 4.0-8.5 credits, students enrolled in eligible programs will be able to apply to the Arts & Science Internship Program, which combines paid work experience with specialized professional development training.
Upper Years
Continue to take courses to deepen your program-specific knowledge: consider taking graduate-level seminars or independent study classes.
U of T is ranked number one in Canada for graduate employability and 14th in the world. In your upper years you will start to expand your professional network and connect with alumni by participating in Backpack to Briefcase, Career Centre workshops, mentorship meals and networking events.
Access to all the university's resources, diverse and flexible program options and an incredible network will have shaped your education and your future.