Experiential Learning

Experiential learning is the process of learning by doing. By engaging Arts & Science students in direct experience and critical reflection, experiential learning can advance their learning outcomes, develop their skills and help them contribute to and learn from the communities and workplaces around them.

As an A&S faculty or staff member, you can help create more experiential learning opportunities for students. The Office of Experiential Learning and Outreach Support (ELOS) is here to support faculty, staff and students across all A&S disciplines and programs.


Why Offer Experiential Learning?

There are so many reasons to offer experiential learning in your courses and programs. Experiential learning:

  • Increases student motivation, confidence, self-efficacy and sense of belonging.
  • Brings students' clarity to academic goals, enhances the development of disciplinary competencies, and offers opportunities to explore careers and build career readiness skills.
  • Deepens faculty's understanding of and engagement with students.
  • Increases student retention and attraction to academic programs, creates partnerships which can lead to other collaborative initiatives (such as research), and offers opportunities to evaluate and improve curriculum.

Experiential Learning Opportunities & Support for Faculty & Staff

Interested in creating or expanding experiential learning opportunities in your courses or programs? Follow the links below to learn how we can help.

Curriculum-Integrated Experiential Learning

Review the types of experiential learning that can be integrated into A&S courses, including The Sandbox program.

Undergraduate Research Programs

Discover programs that engage undergraduate students in research on campus, off-site and abroad.

International & Indigenous Opportunities

Explore A&S-funded travel opportunities to advance research goals and enhance coursework.

Arts & Science Internship Program

Learn about this structured work-integrated learning opportunity for students in eligible programs.

Experiential Learning Supports & Events

Learn about experiential learning supports available to Arts & Science faculty and staff, including special events, funding, partnership outreach and our new Experiential Learning Fellows Faculty Program.

Contact Us

Get in touch with the Office of Experiential Learning and Outreach Support.