The Faculty of Arts & Science Council, together with its sub-committees, is responsible for Faculty policies in such areas as curriculum development, academic standards and admission policies.
All faculty, staff, students and members of the public are welcome to attend Arts & Science Council meetings, but only elected members can participate in debates and vote. If you have any questions please contact Faculty Governance.
Join Arts & Science Council
Faculty and staff can run for election to the Arts & Science Council.
Graduate and undergraduate students can run for election to the Arts & Science Council, Appeals, Standing & Admissions Committees and Curriculum Committees.
The Faculty holds elections for these positions each spring or fall. Elections are announced via email, so please keep an eye on your inbox for details.
Vote in Council Elections
If an election is required, students, faculty and staff will receive an email instructing them how to vote online. The email will direct you to the A&S Council elections webpage, where a link to the voting site will be posted.
File a Motion
Anyone, including members of the public, may submit a motion for consideration by the A&S Council Agenda Committee. You must submit a motion to the secretary at least 10 days in advance of the meeting at which they are to be discussed. If you have any questions please contact Faculty Governance.
Arts & Science Council Constitution
The Council of the Faculty of Arts & Science exercises its powers and duties under the provisions of the University of Toronto Act. Please review the Arts & Science Council Constitution for more information.
Arts & Science Council By-Laws
The Arts & Science Council By-Laws provide rules of procedure for the election and appointment of members to council, procedures for notice of meetings and distribution of materials as well as all information for A&S by-laws.