How Graduate Funding Works in A&S

The Faculty of Arts & Science provides funding to graduate units to support students and sets broad policies for graduate funding, including the establishment of a minimum level of financial support.

In 2024–25, the minimum level of financial support is $21,750 for most units and $22,250 for the sciences. Graduate units can distribute up to 5 years of doctoral-stream funding between master’s and PhD programs. More information on which programs and years of study are funded is provided in the Funding by Graduate Unit webpage.

In A&S, graduate students are expected to fund their graduate studies by applying for major scholarships and by seeking out Teaching Assistant and Research Assistant opportunities. If income from these sources is lower than the A&S minimum financial support package, students receive additional funds in the form of University of Toronto Fellowships (UTF).

The table below illustrates the composition of funding packages for domestic students in the sciences with various high-value awards, compared to a funding package for a student without an award, in 2024–25. It shows that high value awards replace the minimum financial support package and that awardees receive TA income (subject to availability and acceptance by the student) and UTF-top ups above the package. For students who do not have high-value awards, the package consists of TA income, RA income and sufficient UTF funds to ensure that they receive the A&S minimum financial support package. Many graduate units provide enhanced funding packages using department and supervisor resources.

See detailed description of image in the paragraph directly above.

Components of the Minimum Financial Support Package

While the A&S minimum financial support package consists of a minimum amount and tuition and fees, totalling $30,102 for most units ($30,602 in the sciences) in 2024–25, how that minimum amount is achieved varies by department and by student. The following are the main components of funding packages:

  • External Awards: e.g., SSHRC, NSERC, OGS, CONACYT, Vector
  • TA-ship: $7,500 is the maximum TA income included
  • RA-ship: may take the form of casual employment or research traineeship
  • University of Toronto Fellowships: stipend or tuition award
  • Other Awards: e.g., A&S restricted awards, departmental awards
  • University of Toronto Fellowship Top-ups: provided above the minimum package, for students with high-value scholarships or tri-agency award applicants

All students receive the Faculty of Arts & Science minimum financial support package. However, the package total may vary depending on the sector and may exceed the A&S minimum level of financial support depending upon the following factors:

  • Which department the student is in — the minimum financial support amount is higher in the sciences.
  • Tuition fees (which vary for master’s program students) and incidental fees which vary by a student’s legal status and campus affiliation. St. George incidental fees are provided by default unless the student has either (a) affiliated with UTM prior to the issuance of funding letters in September or (b) formally switched campus affiliation and notified the graduate administrator by October 31.
  • The availability of TA opportunities in the department.
  • Research funding held by faculty members which can be used for RA-ships.
  • The availability of awards and endowments.
  • Recruitment type awards made by departments.
  • Other departmental top-ups or enhancements.