International Opportunities

International Exchange Programs

In the Faculty of Arts & Science, you are encouraged to participate in the international and Canadian exchanges offered through the Centre for International Experience.

With more than 170 partner universities in 55+ countries around the world, you can experience new cultures and languages in an academic setting while earning credits towards your U of T degree.

The Faculty of Arts & Science offers Summer Abroad experiences across the globe, which allow you to complete one full-year course in 3-6 weeks.

Location sites include Asia, Europe, Australia and the Americas. Some examples of Summer Abroad experiences include:

  • Studying the Australian environment, wildlife and conservation (Environment course in Australia)
  • Consulting on micro-enterprises (Rotman Commerce course in Cape Town, South Africa)
  • Learning about the imperial pasts, wars and revolutions of central Europe (History course in Austria, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary and Poland)

Research Excursions Program

The Research Excursions Program provides you with the opportunity to earn course credit while participating in faculty research outside of the campus environment. Opportunities are available in Canada and internationally, and can take the form of research in archives, laboratories, libraries, field sites and more.


International & Indigenous Course Modules (IICM)

Many courses are enriched through international field trips, which enable you to experience the phenomena, cultures, key events or unique natural settings that you have been studying in class. Through the IICM program, you can travel to places across the world during reading week with your professor and other students in your class. IICMs enhance your learning by providing context in a way that no classroom discussion can.


Evani smiling at the camera with a dark background.

Evani Patel
Third year, Global Health and Biology

My International Course Module (IICM) experience was very eye-opening. It centred around refugee health and allowed me to compare and contrast the health of populations and differences in delivery systems in Greece and Canada. We engaged in a lot of discussions with global health stakeholders — people who were involved with solidarity efforts in Athens, politicians, professors and doctors — asking them the hard questions.

A photograph of Jonathan Rose sitting in the Victoria College quad, in the spring time

Jonathan Rose
Third year, African Studies and History

I had the opportunity to go on an International Course Module (IICM) to Rwanda. We wanted to study how Rwandans view life after genocide. Their philosophy centres around forgiveness and coming together to move on. From this IICM I realized that I want to be as inclusive as possible in everything that I do. I really saw the benefits of coming together as a community.

students on an ICM in Tbilisi, Georgia

Recently, Arts & Science students explored the rich heritage and promising future of Tbilisi, Georgia during their International Course Module