Munk School of Global Affairs & Public Policy

Hundreds of people came to listen to the ideas of University of Toronto researchers at the CRAM festival on Friday evening. All photos: Nick Iwanyshyn.
Joe Wong with student researchers who presented case studies on behalf of their research teams: from left: Kara Hounsell, Rachel Bryce, Cadhla Gray and Joudy Sarraj.
Anti-Brexit activist Steve Bray stands holding placards outside the Houses of Parliament in central London on Jan. 16. Photo: Tolga Akmen/AFP via Getty Images.
People gardening at a rooftop garden at U of T
Ralph and Roz Halbert
Edil Ga’al
A busy Toronto street, including pedestrians, cars and a streetcar
A still from the movie The Public includes a man looking at director Emilio Estevez. Another man stands behind him.
The flags of Canada, the U.S. and Mexico
