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30 Articles Found

Three images of two balls showing a massive star stripping the hydrogen envelope of its companion in a binary system.
Profile pictures including: (clockwise from top left) Rachel Barney, Young-June Kim, Carl Knappett, Kyros Kutulakos, Jennifer Murphy and Lynette Ong.
Four red and white medals.
Raquel Urtasun.
Headshots of: ohammad Salehe, Zahra Hasani, Mojtaba Abbasnezhad, Mohammad Asadi Lari, Mohammad Mahdi Elyasi, Mohammad Amin Jebelli, Mohammad Amin Beiruti and Zeynab Asadi Lari.
Maria Drout.
A drone with a box flying over a city.
Alicia Elliott sitting with a group of people at a table.
Geoff Chutter (left) and twisting water slides (right).
hands holding a maginifying glass to look at tiny pieces of plastics
