Second-Year Learning Communities: Psychology

By joining the Psychology Second-Year Learning Community (SLC) you will be surrounded by a small community of second-year students who are learning to navigate their academic and co-curricular pathways to make the most of their experiences as a psychology student. The SLC program is designed to help you make the most out of your degree by engaging in various social, academic and professional development opportunities.

For more information about Psychology, visit the Psychology website

Apply to a Psychology SLC

SLC applications are currently closed for the 2023-24 academic year, and they will reopen in Summer 2024. 


To be eligible for the Psychology SLC you must be a second-year student enrolled in any of the following psychology undergraduate programs:

  • Psychology Specialist (Science Program)
  • Psychology Major (Science Program)

SLC Course Overview

Students in the Psychology SLC will meet at a welcome session during the first week of classes and then every other week starting September 18, 2023.

Time: Every other week on Wednesdays from 1 pm to 2:30 pm

Location: Department of Psychology Lounge, SS 4043

Your SLC Team

Headshot of Ashley Waggoner Denton, Psychology SLC Faculty Advisor

Department: Psychology

Title: Associate Professor, Teaching Stream

Years worked for your current department and/or U of T: 11

Undergraduate major/specialist and institution: Psychology Research Specialist, U of T

Hometown: Barrie, Ontario

Why you decided to serve as a faculty advisor: I think that second year is such an important time to learn about your "home" department, dig into the discipline, and start planning out the rest of your short time as an undergraduate student. I love working with our amazing peer mentors to help the SLC participants navigate this important year, develop key skills and make plans for the future.

One piece of advice for a second-year student: Don't lose sight of why you are here and what you want to take away from your university experience (i.e., this time in your life is about much more than earning certain grades).

Hobby or interest: It's not exciting, but reading (fiction/for pleasure) is for sure my most reliable hobby (something I do everyday).

Headshot of Tamara Ferguson, Psychology SLC Staff Advisor

Department: Psychology

Title: Undergraduate Administrator

Years worked for your current department and/or U of T: 23

Undergraduate major/specialist and institution: Film Studies and English at University of Western Ontario and York University

Hometown: Mississauga

Why you decided to serve as a staff advisor: The experience I've had with SLC in the past has been extremely positive and enjoyable. It's a wonderful way to connect with our second-year students in a small environment and on a more personal level.

One piece of advice for a second-year student: Don't forget to have fun!

Hobby or interest: Baseball is life!

Photo of Laura Chen, psychology peer mentor, outdoors in front of a river

Title: Peer Mentor

Program: Psychology Research Specialist

Year: Fourth Year

College: Trinity College

Hometown: Beijing, China

An interesting fact: I have heard stories where people feel they are destined to study psychology since a very young age, but I didn't even know that the field of psychology existed before high school. My childhood dream was to become an artist, and my teenage dream was to become a writer. During high school, I took Psychology thinking that it will teach me mind reading. In the end, I realized that it is completely different than my expectations, but I never regret learning Psychology because of how interesting and nuanced it is. 

Studies: I enjoy studying social psychology because I find it especially relevant to my everyday life. Many social psychology topics, including stereotype, prejudice and morality prompt me to reflect on my own experiences, thoughts, and behaviours. However, I not only find social psychology interesting. I love psychology in general since it can help me understand the roots of social issues and global trends. It also allows me to be more objective, so that I can know myself better and make more rational decisions.

Hobby or interest: When I have free time and the weather is nice, I enjoy walking around busy parts of the city while listening to music. I love exploring new restaurants and stores in the city, or travelling to further parts of the world. I enjoy spending quality time with friends, family, and my cat. If I have time and inspiration, I might draw or play the piano.

Alina Hu, psychology peer mentor, pictured outdoors

Title: Peer Mentor

Program: Psychology Specialist, Sociology Minor

Year: Fourth Year

College: St. Michael's College

Hometown: Vancouver, British Columbia

An interesting fact: I have attended five different schools across four different cities before university, two of those schools were in different parts of Mainland China, while the rest were in different parts of British Columbia here in Canada. 

Studies: I really enjoy studying how our minds function and why we behave the way we do. Clinical psychology, in particular, piques my interest because of its capacity to help people navigate their challenges. It's fascinating to delve into the realm of human behaviour and see how it can make a positive impact on people's lives through practical applications. 

Hobby or interest: Jogging around Queen's Park, supporting the Psychology Students' Association as the Co-president, eating at the New College cafeteria with my friends, watching the squirrels or racoons running around on campus and taking pictures of them.