Second-Year Learning Communities: Mathematics

By joining the Mathematics Second-Year Learning Community (SLC) you will be surrounded by a small community of second-year students who are learning to navigate their academic and co-curricular pathways to make the most of their experiences as a math student. The SLC program is designed to help you make the most out of your degree by engaging in various social, academic and professional development opportunities.

For more information about Mathematics, visit the Mathematics website

Apply to a Mathematics SLC

SLC applications are currently closed for the 2023-24 academic year, and they will reopen in Summer 2024. 


To be eligible for the Mathematics SLC you must be a second-year student enrolled in any of the following mathematics programs:

  • Mathematics Specialist (Science Program)
  • Applied Mathematics Specialist (Science Program)
  • Mathematics and Physics Specialist (Science Program)
  • Mathematics and Philosophy Specialist (Science Program)
  • Mathematical Applications in Economics and Finance Specialist (Science Program)
  • Mathematics & Its Applications Specialist (Physical Science) (Science Program)
  • Mathematics & Its Applications Specialist (Probability/Statistics) (Science Program)
  • Mathematics & Its Applications Specialist (Teaching) (Science Program)
  • Mathematics Major (Science Program)

SLC Course Overview

Students in the Mathematics SLC will meet at a welcome session during the first week of classes and then every other week starting September 18, 2023.

Time: Every other week on Thursdays from 3:30 pm to 5 pm

Location: TBD

Your SLC Team

Headshot of Benjamin Landon, Mathematics SLC Faculty Advisor

Department: Mathematics

Title: Assistant Professor

Years worked for your current department and/or U of T: Since July 2021

Undergraduate major/specialist and institution: McGill University, Mathematics and Physics

Hometown: Kingston, Ontario

Why you decided to serve as a faculty advisor: The SLC is a great opportunity to engage directly with students and provide them with a network and community of peers who are all as excited and interested in mathematics as I am! Math is an amazing subject and I hope that the SLC will allow students to see that.

One piece of advice for a second-year student: Now is a great time to learn lots of new and interesting things, either by taking classes or pursuing other opportunities that might be outside your comfort zone — sometimes you might not realize how much like you something or how interesting something is until you have really given it a fair chance.

Hobby or interest: Cycling

Headshot of Ashley Armogan, mathematics SLC staff advisor

Department: Mathematics

Title: Undergraduate Administrator (Large courses)

Years worked for your current department and/or U of T: Eight years in the Department of Mathematics, 12 years at the University of Toronto

Undergraduate major/specialist and institution: HBA Political Science and City Studies, University of Toronto

Hometown: Pickering, Ontario

Why you decided to serve as a faculty advisor: I decided to serve as a staff advisor this year because I love seeing students thrive in their studies and in life. As a U of T alumnus, I hope to give valuable insight to our current U of T students to help prepare them for their upper years in our program and life beyond their post-secondary studies.

One piece of advice for a second-year student: Academics are very important, but I encourage you to take some time out from your studies to figure out what you are passionate about in life. Second-year is the perfect time to learn more about what you are good at and develop skills that will help prepare you for the future.

Hobby or interest: Event decorating

Photo of Lewei Er in front of a flower bush

Title: Peer Mentor

Program: Statistical Science Specialist, Mathematics and Cognitive Science Major

Year: Fifth Year

College: University College

Hometown: Beijing/ Winnipeg

An interesting fact: The origin of my last name. I can talk about anything though (academics, social life, sports)!

Studies: I really enjoy the diversity of the courses I take. 

Hobby or interest: Biking, soccer, table tennis.