Second-Year Learning Communities: Economics

By joining the Economics Second-Year Learning Community (SLC) you will be surrounded by a small community of second-year students who are learning to navigate their academic and co-curricular pathways to make the most of their experiences as an economics student. The SLC program is designed to help you make the most out of your degree by engaging in various social, academic and professional development opportunities.

It's recommended that Economics SLC students enrol in at least 2.0 credits from ECO200Y1, ECO206Y1, ECO202Y1, ECO208Y1, ECO220Y1, ECO227Y1, STA237H1 and STA238H1, STA247H1 and STA248H1, STA257H1 and STA261H1.

For more information about Economics, visit the Economics website

Apply to an Economics SLC

SLC applications are currently closed for the 2023-24 academic year, and they will reopen in Summer 2024. 


To be eligible for the Economics SLC you must be a second-year student enrolled in any of the following economics programs:

  • Economics Major (Arts Program)

SLC Course Overview

Students in the Economics SLC will meet at a welcome session during the first week of classes and then every other week starting September 18, 2023.

Time: Every other week on Fridays from 1 pm to 2:30 pm

Location: TBD

Your SLC Team

Headshot of Karen Ugarte, Economics SLC Faculty Advisor

Department: Economics

Title: Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream

Years worked for your current department and/or U of T: Two

Undergraduate major/specialist and institution: BComm Economics and Finance at the University of Guelph

Hometown: Barrie, ON

Why you decided to serve as a faculty advisor: To be an enthusiastic and approachable resource for students and help them make the most out of their university education.

One piece of advice for a second-year student: Find the courses/topics that speak to you. Naturally, you will find some courses more interesting than others, and for those that are interesting to you, make a plan to follow up on those topics in the third year; studying goes by a lot faster when you are interested in what you are learning.

Hobby or interest: Exercising/Fitness

Headshot of Sally Wong, Economics SLC Staff Advisor

Department: Economics

Title: Undergraduate Administrator

Years worked for your current department and/or U of T: Five

Hometown: Hong Kong

Why you decided to serve as a staff advisor: I decided to serve as a staff advisor because I can offer advice and support to student members. Additionally, providing guidance to student mentors who, in turn, influence, shape and enhance the overall student experience.

One piece of advice for a second-year student: Take a moment to reflect on your experiences during your first year. Consider what worked well for you and what areas you'd like to improve. Reflecting on your past experiences can help you set goals and make adjustments for your second year.

Hobby or interest: Outside of work I enjoy cooking and experimenting with new recipes.

Mirror selfie of Riya Li

Title: Peer Mentor

Program: Economics, Cognitive Science Major, Math Minor

Year: Third Year

College: University College

Hometown: A small city in the Greater Vancouver Area

An interesting fact: I’m an MCU fan now, apparently. If you like Loki, Loki, or Loki (they’re all different variants of course) then hit me up. 

Studies: I enjoy breaking things down to their most fundamental level, where math is the foundational language of the universe, economics the buttress upon which society rests and cognitive science a door to the essence of human consciousness.

Hobby or interest: I write.

Close up image of Shreyansi

Title: Peer Mentor

Program: Economics, Statistics Major

Year: Fourth Year

College: University College

Hometown: Mumbai, India

An interesting fact: I took a boxing class over the summer, and will be joining more boxing classes over the school year! 

Studies: My favourite thing about studying Economics has been the way economists encourage you to find patterns in the world around you! Second year classes really take a deep dive into introducing you to the way economists use math to create a rigorous understanding of all the concepts you learned in first year! 

Hobby or Interest: This summer, I have really leaned into being more active! Being on campus, I have access to sports and fitness classes and I am often taking advantage of that.