Second-Year Learning Communities: Chemistry

By joining the Chemistry Second-Year Learning Community (SLC) you will be surrounded by a small community of second-year students who are learning to navigate their academic and co-curricular pathways to make the most of their experiences as a chemistry student. The SLC program is designed to help you make the most out of your degree by engaging in various social, academic and professional development opportunities.

It's recommended that Chemistry SLC students take two or more of the following courses: CHM 210H, CHM 217H, CHM 220H/222H, CHM 223H, CHM 236H, CHM 237H and CHM 247H/249H.

For more information about Chemistry, visit the Chemistry website

Apply to a Chemistry SLC

SLC applications are currently closed for the 2023-24 academic year, and they will reopen in Summer 2024. 


To be eligible for the Chemistry SLC you must be a second-year student enrolled in any of the following chemistry undergraduate programs:

  • Biological Chemistry Specialist
  • Chemical Physics Specialist
  • Chemistry Specialist
  • Synthetic & Catalytic Chemistry Specialist
  • Materials Science Specialist
  • Pharmaceutical Chemistry Specialist
  • Chemistry Major
  • Environmental Chemistry Major

SLC Course Overview

Students in the Chemistry SLC will meet at a welcome session during the first week of classes and then every other week starting September 18, 2023.

Time: Every other week on Fridays from 1 pm to 2:30 pm

Location: LM 108

Your SLC Team

Photo of Any Dicks, Chemistry SLC Faculty Advisor

Department: Chemistry

Title: Professor, Teaching Stream & Associate Chair, Undergraduate Studies

Years worked for your current department and/or U of T: 25 years

Undergraduate major/specialist and institution: Chemistry, University of Wales (Swansea), United Kingdom

Hometown: Cheltenham, United Kingdom

Why you decided to serve as a faculty advisor: I love meeting with and talking to students at all academic levels, and part of that is helping to facilitate smaller communities within our larger Chemistry undergraduate community. I designed our CHM 151Y Course Community back in 2006, and when Second-Year Learning Communities were started a few years ago I was very keen for Chemistry to participate. I have also been a faculty advisor to Innis College First-Year Learning Community for 18 years, and am very invested in helping students to enjoy their university experience and to be as successful as possible.

One piece of advice for a second-year student: Please interact with me or other members of our undergraduate office as much as possible throughout your undergraduate studies: we are here to help you in all aspects of your Chemistry life including course and program selection, career pathways and research opportunities. We also want to hear from you regarding ways in which we can make the undergraduate experience even better!

Hobby or interest: I'm a huge sports fan (mainly football — the English version — and cricket), and also a semi-serious runner. My latest race was the May 2023 Toronto Marathon — I'm still suffering from it now! :)

Department: Chemistry

Title: Chemistry Undergraduate Counsellor

Years worked for your current department and/or U of T: Five years in Chemistry and 17 years at the University

Hometown: Toronto, ON

Why you decided to serve as a staff advisor: I think it’s a great opportunity to interact with students and introduce them to my department.

One piece of advice for a second-year student: Focus on your time management. Write out your deadlines for assignments and tests. It helps to keep you on track for academic success.

Hobby or interest: Reading. I’m an avid reader who reviews books for publishers months before they are released on shelves.

Close-up image of Patricia Stewart

Title: Peer Mentor

Program: Biological Chemistry Specialist

Year: Fourth Year

College: University College

Hometown: Orangeville, Ontario

An interesting fact: I used to be in Army Cadets. As part of one of our expeditions, I mountain biked 50 km and whitewater canoed 8 km in the same day.

Studies: I really enjoy being able to connect what I learn in my biology classes to what I learn in my chemistry classes. Especially in the lab, the intersection of biology, chemistry and biochemistry is super cool to me!

Hobby or interest: Outside of the classroom, you can find me playing ultimate frisbee, paddling in the lake or playing dungeons and dragons with my friends! 

Headshot of Atang

Title: Peer Mentor

Program: Chemistry Specialist

Year: Fourth Year

College: Trinity College

Hometown: Gaborone, Botswana

An interesting fact: I have been learning German for seven years and now I'm fluent.

Studies: I am a huge fan of organic chemistry. I tend to look at molecules as Lego bricks that you piece together using the toolbox of reactions you've learnt in class!

Hobby or interest: In my spare time, I sing in an a cappella group and I'm a portrait and event photographer.