Sean McNeely - A&S News

A photo of the German FIFA team with their hands covering their mouths
A doodle graphic of people doing various tasks: reading, mixing chemical, climbing, running
Kim Strong on stage smiling warmly
Iako Patton in front of a painting
In foreground a table covered in jars of honey - behind table a group of students listening to a man speaking
Headshot of Lashae Watson
Paul Bradley, Jayne Eastwood, and Doug McGrath sitting on bench in a scene from the film 'Goin' Down The Road'
An annoyed looking teenage girl in a madcap high school hallway scene
Headshots of Chido Muchemwa standing in front of greenery wearing a pink top and a matching pink and blue head scarf
Alexander Hampton hiking in the forest beside an image of a book cover with the title:  The Cambridge Companion to Christianity and the Environment.
