There are many resources available at U of T to help you enhance your academic skills and avoid any potential academic misconduct pitfalls. If you are unsure what may constitute academic misconduct in your course work or you are suspected of an academic offence, your best first point of contact is your professor and/or TA.
The resources below are available to students to encourage best academic practices in your courses. These materials include lists of support staff and workshops, and more information about proper citations, sound academic writing, mathematical assistance, study skills, note-taking skills, exam anxiety, time management, oral presentations, support for English Language Learners and more.
- University of Toronto Libraries – Citing Sources/Create Your Bibliography
- U of T Writing Centre
- College Writing Centres
- English Language Learning (ELL)
- Centre for Learning Strategy Support
- Sidney Smith Commons
- Math Learning Centre
You may find that issues concerning academic integrity may not arise in a vacuum. You may have personal or health circumstances in your life, as well. As such, you may find it helpful to speak to a health practitioner at the U of T Health & Wellness Centre for support.
In addition, your College Registrar’s office can provide advice and guidance if you encounter academic integrity issues. They are there to help you in a holistic manner, whether it be to understand how other life factors fit in, or to navigate the issues in conjunction with your other courses and degree completion.
Prior to your meeting with Student Academic Integrity, you are encouraged to review the meeting info sheet to help you prepare. The meeting information sheet provides information on what to expect during the meeting and is not a replacement for academic advising.
Visit Smart Strategies on the U of T Academic Integrity site for a wealth of information, tips and resources on how to promote and maintain academic integrity. And remember, if ever you are unsure of the correct way to do something, don’t hesitate to ask your professor or TA.