As the largest Faculty in one of Canada’s leading universities, Arts & Science has a central role to play in answering the calls to action of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC). In order to effectively address the cultural genocide that took place in residential schools and ongoing structures of colonialism, Arts & Science must become a place where Indigenous languages, forms of cultural expression, systems of knowledge, theories and research methodologies are transmitted and are critically and rigorously studied at the most advanced levels.
Decanal Advisory Committee Report 2019-20
Established in July 2018, the Dean’s Advisory Committee on Indigenous Teaching & Learning has focused on implementing Calls to Action from the A&S Indigenous Teaching & Learning Working Group.
In 2019 - 20, the committee’s work was guided by an overarching principle: meaningful change cannot be based solely on an additive model. Hiring more professors and proposing more courses is important, but not sufficient. A&S needs to go beyond a land acknowledgement to ask: in what ways does Arts & Science need to transform itself to meet the commitments it has made to Indigenous research, teaching, learning, and community partnerships?
The committee developed five priority recommendations that build on the Faculty's Academic Plan. More details regarding the specific action items can be found in the full report below.
Report of the Dean's Advisory Committee on Indigenous Teaching & Learning
IRTL Committee Membership 2020-21
- Susan Hill, Director, Centre for Indigenous Studies, Associate Professor, Indigenous Studies & History
- Randy Boyagoda, Vice-Dean, Undergraduate
- Eileen Antone, Special Advisor to the Dean on Indigenous Issues
- Donald Boere, Assistant Principal and Registrar, Innis College
- Lisa Feng, Faculty Registrar
- Emily Gilbert, Director, Canadian Studies Program, Professor, Department of Geography & Planning
- Kim Strong, Chair, Department of Physics
- Marty Krkosek, Associate Professor, Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
- Bonnie Jane Maracle, Learning Strategist, First Nations House
- Bonnie McElhinny, Principal, New College
- Mia McKie, Graduate Student, History
- Jennifer Murrin, Centre Coordinator, Centre for Indigenous Studies
- Audrey Rochette, Woodsworth College
- Neil Neebar, Associate Faculty Registrar & Director, Registrar Services
- Liza Bolton, Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream, Department of Statistical Sciences
- Keren Rice, University Professor, Department of Linguistics
- Carrie Commanda, Undergraduate Student
- Shannon Simpson, Director, Office of Indigenous Initiatives
- Cheryl Suzack (until December 2020), Associate Professor, Department of English
- Sarina Annis, Graduate Student, Study of Religion
- Dale Turner, Associate Professor, Department of Political Science
- Brenda Wastasecoot, Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream, Centre for Indigenous Studies & Faculty of Arts & Science
- Alana Boland, Associate Dean, Teaching & Learning
- Michael White, Director, First Nations House
- Kevin White, Assistant Professor, CIS
Administrative Support
- Emma Stromberg, Indigenous Partnerships Advisor
Decanal Working Group Report 2016-17
Representing an important step forward, a working group on Indigenous Teaching & Learning was established by the Dean of the Faculty of Arts & Science in the summer of 2016. Through in-depth discussions and facilitated activities over the 2016 - 2017 year, the working group developed 20 Calls to Action. These Calls to Action are all consistent with the Mission and Purpose of the University. They are outlined in this document under the seven key themes:
- An Indigenous College for U of T/Arts & Science
- Supporting the Centre for Indigenous Studies
- Divisional Leadership
- Enhancing Support and Services for Indigenous Students
- Curricular Changes
- Training for Faculty and Staff
- Responding to this Report
Decanal Working Group on Indigenous Teaching and Learning Report
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