Royal Ontario Museum

An Odaraia with green, yellow and red body parts.
A person sitting in the middle of a dessert like field taking samples from the ground.
Graphic of Titanokorys gainesi reconstruction.
Students walking around in a beautiful park, this picture is an illustration.
Ashley Reynolds holds the Smilodon fatalis metacarpal from Medicine Hat, AB.
An illustration of a green and yellow Mollisonia plenovenatrix.
From left to right: U of T researchers Jean-Philippe Julien, David Evans and Daniel De Carvalho are being recognized for demonstrating a high level of achievement in their careers to date.
David Evans sitting at the site of the dig
U of T's Jean-Bernard Caron and Maydianne Andrade discuss the newly revealed fossils at the quarry site
His Excellency Chris Cooter, Karen Blumenschein, Professor David Cameron, Professor Timothy Harrison.
