Submitting a Petition

The University has made changes to the applicability of the ACORN Absence Declaration Tool. As of the Fall 2023 term, the Absence Declaration Tool will no longer be considered as supporting documentation for petition requests.

Submitting Your Petition to Your College Registrar's Office

Now that you have completed your personal statement and collected supporting documentation, your petition is ready to be submitted. Follow the steps below to submit your petition:

  1. Login to the petition system using your UTORid and password.
  2. Create a new petition.
  3. Select your course(s). 
  4. Add petition request(s). 
  5. Add your personal statement. 
  6. Add relevant supporting documentation in PDF format (e.g., syllabus, medical documentation). Note that all supporting documentation must be submitted as soon as possible, and within three weeks of when you started the petition. 
  7. Review your petition and submit it.  
  8. Login to the online petition system at any time to review the status of your petition request. Monitor your U of T email inbox for the decision about your petition and for possible requests for additional information. In most cases, you can expect a decision within five weeks.  

You can also refer to the Online Petitions Guide page for step-by-step instructions.

Please connect with your College Registrar’s Office to discuss any questions or concerns you may have about your petition request. 

College Email Address
Innis College
New College
St. Michael’s College
Trinity College
University College
Victoria College
Woodsworth College

Submitting Your Petition to the Faculty of Arts & Science

After your College Registrar’s Office has reviewed your petition submission, they will submit the request directly to the Faculty of Arts & Science's petitions unit. If you don't hear from your college or the Faculty of Arts & Science petitions unit, you can assume that your petition is being reviewed.

Requests for More Information

Your College Registrar’s Office or the petitions unit may have questions about your petition or ask for additional documentation. Keep an eye out for notifications within the petitions system and emails from your College Registrar’s Office about your petition, and respond to them as soon as possible. If any additional information is requested, your petition request will not be complete until you update and re-submit your complete petition. 

Cancelling or Changing Submitted Petition

Once you have submitted your petition online, you may decide that you no longer wish to make the request or realize that you made a mistake on your petition and want to make changes. In both cases, notify your College Registrar’s Office (at the email in the table above) as soon as possible so that they can ensure the necessary changes are made. 

If the petition has already been decided, it may be too late to make changes to the original request. In this case, contact your College Registrar's Office.