Exam Viewing

If you have written an Arts & Science final exam on the St. George campus within the last six months, you may request a supervised viewing of your exam which is available at no charge. Exam viewings are an opportunity for you to verify that your final exam is marked fairly and that the mark is calculated correctly. 

Submitting a Request

Exam viewings are by appointment only and can be requested using the Exam Viewing Request web app.  

New appointment times are added on an ongoing basis throughout the year, except during active exam-writing sessions. If you have classes, labs, or tutorials scheduled during the posted appointment times, you may request a special viewing appointment on the app. In this case, please let us know your availability for the coming weeks and we will do our best to accommodate your schedule.

During periods with high demand, for example, when exam viewings for the previous semester first become available, you may need to book appointments up to one month ahead of time. When an exam viewing appointment slot is full, it will no longer appear in the web app.

If you have any questions, please email exams.artsci@utoronto.ca.


Rules for Viewing Examinations

In order to maintain the academic integrity of final exams, exams must be viewed in a supervised setting. Think of the rules surrounding your viewing as an extension of the rules that exist for writing an exam. Since you are not permitted to use your phone, talk to other students, or bring outside notes during an exam, you are not able to do so during an exam viewing. If you decide to appeal your mark after a viewing, it is essential that the exam being reevaluated is in the exact same state as the originally written exam. To ensure academic integrity, the following regulations are in place for all exam viewings:

  1. Students viewing exams may not be accompanied by anyone.
  2. All belongings must be placed at the side of the room or under the table. Nothing is permitted to be on the viewing table.
  3. Students must show their TCard and sign in for each exam they view.
  4. Students may not consult books, notes or any electronic devices during the exam viewing. In addition, students cannot take any notes or photographs while viewing exams.
  5. Only calculators provided by the Office of the Faculty Registrar may be used by students to add totals within an exam.
  6. Students are permitted up to a maximum of 30 minutes to view each exam.
  7. If a student is viewing multiple exams, they may only view one exam at a time.

If you want to spend more time with your exams or consult your notes while doing so, we encourage you to request a digital copy of your exam. If the exam is restricted, you are not permitted to request a copy. However, you may request repeat viewing appointments. Otherwise, students are only entitled to one viewing per exam.


Filling Out an Appeal Form

Students may not use writing implements during a viewing appointment. If you decide to request a recheck or a reread during your viewing, you will not be able to fill out the Reread and Recheck Form until you hand in your exam. To help you fill out your form (which you will do after your exam viewing has  been completed), during your viewing appointment, do your best to memorize which questions and issues you would like to address on your form.


Answer Keys

Answer keys are only available for exams with multiple-choice questions filled out on Scantron forms. For these exams, an answer key is essential to help you add your marks. Please notify the person supervising your exam viewing if you do not receive an answer key in this situation.


Exam Viewing Timelines

Exam viewings will not be available during Final Exam and Deferred Exam Periods. 

Timing of Final Exam Start of Exam Copy & Viewing Requests Deadline for Exam Copy & Viewing Requests

August 2023

September 25, 2023

February 25, 2024

November 2023

March 1, 2024

August 5, 2024

December 2023

March 1, 2024

August 5, 2024

February 2024

March 1, 2024

August 5, 2024

April 2024

July 4, 2024

November 6, 2024

May 2024

July 4, 2024

November 6, 2024

June 2024

July 17, 2024

November 20, 2024

August 2024

September 25, 2024

February 25, 2025