Dear Arts & Science undergraduate students,
The countdown continues. Three days to go — we’re so close!
I know many of you are completing writing assignments on tight deadlines, and I thought it’s the right moment to let you know just how incredibly impressed I have been with your prose. It’s sometimes said that young people just don’t write as well as their parents — I think probably members of every generation make this remark about the next. In my experience, you’ve certainly proven otherwise. Yesterday evening, I took some time to re-read some of the many emails I’ve received from you. These are beautifully crafted, diplomatically toned, well-argued, intellectually convincing, grammatically correct, inspiring, and above all else, thoughtful. So, if you are in the midst of a writing assignment, I encourage you to adapt these superb skills you’ve been using to email me and others to complete your term papers and final work. I have no doubt you will impress and engage your instructors.
During this last week of term, I’ve also been reflecting on my own experience as a first-year undergraduate at U of T in 1991. Even though that year was not marked by any disruptive events, and certainly nothing as significant as where we are right now, I was stressed! Like many students, I turned to my parents for advice and comfort. My mother reminded me, at exactly the right time, that “It’s OK to be good to yourself.” I’ve drawn on this wise advice throughout my life and it continues to serve me well, which is why I share it with you now. As you make that final push to complete your courses, remember, whether it’s fresh air, fresh food, friendships or fresh tunes, be good to yourselves! You are almost there.
With best wishes,
Dean Woodin
Melanie A. Woodin
Dean, Faculty of Arts & Science
Professor, Department of Cell & Systems Biology
University of Toronto