In Memoriam: Ian Shugart

October 26, 2023 by Munk School of Global Affairs & Public Policy

A letter from Munk School of Global Affairs & Public Policy director Peter Loewen and founding director Janice Stein:

Dear Colleagues,

We are deeply saddened to share the news of the passing of our colleague, Ian Shugart, on October 25, 2023.

Ian was a lifelong public servant, retiring in 2022 as the Clerk of the Privy Council and Secretary to the Cabinet. He was then appointed as a professor at the Munk School and to the Senate of Canada.

As a professor, he mentored students, guided our Ukrainian students in their policy work, and chaired the Gelber Prize jury. He served as a touchpoint and connector for many of us in Ottawa. He met regularly with groups of students large and small. He was a caring and committed teacher and a wise mentor to so many of us.

Ian maintained a lifelong relationship with the University of Toronto. He was a graduate of Trinity College and served as the University of Toronto’s champion at the table of deputy ministers. The University’s flag with a mourning cravat has been placed in the CCF lounge in mourning and recognition of Ian’s contributions to our University. 

As you may have known, Ian was a person of deep personal faith. His faith guided him in his private life and in his public service. It was a source of comfort and resolve to him throughout his illness. This faith allowed him, in the words of Old Testament prophet Micah, to do what was required: “to act with justice, love his neighbour, and walk humbly with his God.”  

We will miss Ian very much, as will countless others across our School and across Canada. We extend our deepest condolences to his family and to his friends and colleagues here and elsewhere. 

In sadness,
Peter Loewen & Janice Stein
