Dear Arts & Science undergraduate students,
We have just two days to go until the term ends. I will keep this brief and wanted to quickly touch base with you regarding two updates.
As I indicated in my message to you a couple of days ago, we know that you are wondering about summer courses. We are working directly with departments on increasing what will be available online. Right now, we are looking to add more offerings where there is already high student interest. More information will be provided to you next week to help you make decisions ahead of the deadlines for enrolling in summer courses.
Also, I wanted to draw your attention to an update regarding the Absence Declaration tool on ACORN. The University is temporarily suspending the need for a doctor’s note or medical certificate for any absence from academic participation. You can find the tool on ACORN in the Profile and Settings menu. This information about how the form can be used has been updated on the U of T FAQ page and will be updated on ACORN shortly. Please know that you can now use the Absence Declaration for all absences even if the website still refers specifically to COVID-19.
I understand you are all working hard to complete your courses and that it’s difficult to push through. In the meantime, I will keep doing my best to keep you informed and supported in any way I can.
With warm regards,
Dean Woodin
Melanie A. Woodin
Dean, Faculty of Arts & Science
Professor, Department of Cell & Systems Biology
University of Toronto