Pedagogical Research Grant

Faculty members (tenure/teaching stream) with full-time, part-time, or contractually limited term appointments (CLTAs), who are teaching in the Faculty of Arts & Science can apply for a pedagogical research grant to support inquiry and research into their teaching, pedagogical approaches or student learning; and/or dissemination of their pedagogical research findings. For example, faculty members may wish to investigate the impact of a teaching assignment, method and/or approach on student learning.

Note: Faculty members without continuing appointments must show that they can complete the work funded by the pedagogical research grant (PRG) during their appointment.

Faculty members may request up to $2,000 per year to support expenses in the following areas:

  1. Inquiry or research into teaching, pedagogical approaches, and/or student learning
    • Hiring teaching assistants, research assistants and/or work-study students to support data collection and analysis
    • Purchasing statistical analysis software or other research tools (that are not currently available to U of T faculty members)
    • Providing refreshments and/or lunch for focus groups
    • Providing small prizes to encourage students to complete surveys
  2. Dissemination of research findings
    • Publication fees
    • Presenting research at conferences (e.g., travel, registration fee, accommodation, meals, etc.). Applicants are encouraged to identify relevant local and regional conferences when possible.
    • Costs associated with organizing events to share research findings and discuss their relevance for Arts & Science and U of T teaching contexts (e.g., venue, catering, etc.)

Application Process

Applications are accepted on a rolling basis. To apply, please ​complete the online application form for the pedagogical research grant. You will be asked to provide:

  • An overview and rationale for the project, including assessment approaches, supporting literature, project timeline and anticipated outcomes (250 words max.); and,
  • A detailed budget

Please note:

  • Funding will be transferred to the academic unit and will normally be available for 12 months. Faculty members must work with their unit business officer to access the funds.
  • Grantees may be asked to share a brief update on their project outcomes and expenses.
  • Grantees may be invited to present at the Arts & Science Teaching & Learning Projects Showcase or Community of Practice (or other relevant events).

More Information

Consider if you need to apply for research ethics approval.
  • It is best to discuss your pedagogical research project with a member of the U of T research office review team (, so they can help determine if you need ethics approval. If your pedagogical research involves human participants, you will likely need to apply for ethics approval. To apply for ethics approval, submit your research ethics protocol using the U of T online system. Ethics approvals are valid for up to one year and only cover the research described in your protocol.
Consider the types of student data you will use to answer your research question, how you will obtain that data and when.
  • There are a variety of student data that you may want to use. Some examples include data from course activities (e.g., assignments, tests, exams), student marks in other courses, student enrolment data, diagnostic tests, placement tests, focus groups and interviews. Reviewing these data at different times might also be useful. For example, you might want to look at enrolment data before and after the course drop date to identify any patterns relating to retention or attrition, or if there are connections between student performance and the number of students who drop the course from year-to-year.
Consider whether you need student consent to participate.
  • You will need student consent for some data collection methods (e.g., focus groups, interviews, placement tests). Students must receive a request to participate and be free to choose based on full information and without academic consequences. See the U of T Guide for Informed Consent Documents.
Consider whether you need a research assistant.
  • You might want to hire a research assistant to collect data from your students (e.g., focus groups, interviews) and to answer student questions about the research project.
Arts & Science Support

The Teaching & Learning team can help faculty members:

  • Develop their pedagogical research plan
  • Identify ways to assess their pedagogical research
  • Identify relevant scholarship, appropriate resources, tools and software

To contact Teaching & Learning, please email

Institutional Support

The Centre for Teaching Support & Innovation (CTSI) offers a SoTL Workshop Series throughout the year, a SoTL Cohort Program, a SoTL listserv and one-on-one consultations. To contact CTSI, please email