In the Media: U of T will help kids view Eclipse 2024 safely, Globe & Mail

April 12, 2023 by David Goldberg - A&S News

Less than a year away from what could be the most-viewed total solar eclipse in Canadian history, the University of Toronto’s Dunlap Institute for Astronomy & Astrophysics is playing a major role to ensure children can view the sun safely as it passes behind the moon on April 8, 2024.

Headshot of Illana Macdonald
 Ilana MacDonald

“We’re acquiring tens of thousands of glasses,” Ilana MacDonald told the Globe & Mail. The Dunlap astronomer and acting outreach coordinator is working with the Trottier Family Foundation to procure and distribute special eclipse viewers to classrooms across the path of totality.

For the first time in decades, a total solar eclipse will pass over major Canadian cities including Hamilton, Kingston and Montreal. The awesome celestial spectacle won’t be visible in these skies for another 120 years.

As Eclipse 2024 approaches, astronomy and astrophysics experts from the Faculty of Arts & Science will be sharing information to help the U of T community, alumni and supporters enjoy a fun, safe and memorable day.

More details to come.

Read the entire article:

Interested in creating transformative opportunities for youth to participate in Eclipse 2024? Contact Emily Wilson, Associate Director, Development at or 416-978-4177.