Pedagogical Innovation and Experimentation (PIE) Fund

The Faculty of Arts & Science is funding innovative undergraduate teaching and learning in the academic units using funds previously allocated to the ATLAS program. Funds will be allocated directly to each unit to support unit-level priorities that enhance undergraduate education at their discretion. This fund is intended to foster experimentation in undergraduate pedagogy and is not meant to augment or replace existing funding provided to academic units in support of established teaching activities.


Each academic unit’s annual allocation is based on their respective number of continuing academic FTE and number of undergraduate courses taught in the previous year. This mechanism may be refined for subsequent years, based on unit input. The budget is base-funded at the Faculty level; funds will be distributed annually to academic units, transferred to each unit’s T&L Account in May and will not carry forward at the end of the fiscal year.

Eligible Expenses

  • Course development (e.g., integrating active learning; developing new courses or methods of delivery, such as hybrid or online)
  • Curriculum renewal (e.g., revising existing programs, courses)
  • Development of teaching/learning tools or materials (e.g., animations, videos, interactive media, workbooks, databases, wikis)
  • Support for engaging Indigenous Knowledge Holders and/or Elders (e.g., travel, honoraria)
  • Initiatives to support student learning and progression through programs (e.g., creating aid centres)
  • Hiring research assistants, teaching assistants or casual staff to support development and administration of initiatives
  • Purchasing/licensing of software, hardware or equipment to support initiatives

Chairs determine how to best allocate PIE funds in the service of experimentation and innovating in teaching. This may include using the funds to hire sessional instructors/graduate student course instructors to enable faculty with continuing appointments to focus on course development in the various modes of course delivery being implemented for the 2022-23 academic year.

Please contact Alex Logue, Assistant Director, Teaching & Learning Initiatives, for questions about eligible expenses.


The Arts & Science Teaching & Learning team can:

  • Provide pedagogical and budget consultations with instructors and units about initiatives
  • Connect instructors and units to colleagues, resources and supports in the Faculty and University
  • Facilitate sharing of teaching and learning initiatives (e.g., through communities of practice annual Teaching & Learning Showcase.)

To contact Teaching & Learning, please email for support.

The Arts & Science Information & Instructional Technology Office can provide IT support and technology consultations for projects. To contact IIT, please email

For questions related to your unit’s funding allocation please contact Horatio Bot, Executive Director, Faculty Budget, Planning & Finance Office (