New Book

Headshot of Nathan Sanders beside book cover with title: Essentials of Linguistics, 2nd edition
Headshot of Amita Parikh beside the cover of her book "The Circus Train"
Headshot of Dashiel Carrera beside the cover of his book "The Deer"
Headshot of Catherine L. Evans beside the cover of her book "Unsound Empire: Civilization & Madness in Late-Victorian Law"
David Wilson profile picture and the cover of his book, "Canadian Spy Story: Irish Revolutionaries and the Secret Police." The cover shows an illustrated person holding and standing on a flag.
Book cover with title: A Suitable Companion for the End of Your Life and headshot of Robert McGill
David Cameron and Robert Vipond holding a book between them. Standing outdoors.
Claire Battershill standing behind a black metal letterpress
Book cover with title:  Interdependent Magic: Disability Performance in Canada and a photo of Watkins holdingthe book
Book cover with title: Postsecular History: Political Theology and the Politics of Time and headshot of Maxwell Kennel
