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3418 Articles Found

Close up of hands holding cellphone with NEWS page open.
A hand holding playing cards beside a three sheets of atoms in blue, green and red. Oppositely twisted Möbius strips represent the quantum mechanical wavefunctions’ showing a red and blue circle and two balls moving with the circles.
Norman Murray.
Alán Aspuru-Guzik presents information and stands in front of a large screen that says, "The materials of the future today."
A large orange spiral with three large bright lights around a black hole showing the mid-infrared (IR) flare from the supermassive black hole (SMBH).
Close up of hands holding cellphone with NEWS page open.
A group of people walking outside.
Jo Bovy.
(Top row, left to right) Anika Tarasewicz, Nimrat Obhi, Katerina Slavko, Jennifer Tsoung. (Front row, left to right) Christine Le, BoYee Chung, Erika Daley and Bryony McAllister.
Shirin Panahi.
